Eating by Design
Have you ever been curious if Human Design can speak to your digestion style? It can! Read on to find out a little more...
There is much I can say about this, so please know that this is in no way intended to be a comprehensive post on everything you could ever want to know. I’m just riffin’, as always. My experiment right now is hyper-focused on Determination and deconditioning leftness.
The most important thing I want to lead with is this: listen to your body. Listen more than you think you need to. Some of what I am about to say may not be relevant for you right now, and that's okay. Please do not rush your process. Trying to force ourselves and our bodies to do things we aren't ready is a nice recipe for nervous system overwhelm.
At no point do I want you to take this information and harm yourself with it. Talking about food, nutrition, and diet can be a really tough space for a lot of people, so if you know this is a topic that will trigger you, I encourage you to skip this post.
““Your body is your best guide. It constantly tells you, in the form of pain or sensations, what’s working for you and what’s not.””
So! Let's get into it.
If you have one of the lower trigram determinations (Consecutive/Alternating, Open/Closed, or Hot/Cold), then what you eat is very important. Like, literally the food.
If you have one of the upper trigram determinations (Calm/Nervous, High/Low, or Direct/Indirect), then the circumstances you are in while you eat are very important.
Some basics:
1st Color: Consecutive/Alternating - The most primitive digestion type. You’re going to want to eat one ingredient at a time, and keep it as simple as possible. More than that overwhelms your system. If you are Consecutive, one ingredient is best. Chicken. (example) If you are Alternating, you can alternate between single ingredients. Carrots, and then the chicken, and then the potatoes.
2nd Color: Open/Closed - You’re looking for local, preservative-free, and you eat in seasons. I find that this is less in tune with actual seasons, but that you have your own seasons with foods. If you are Closed, you are less likely to deviate from your tried-and-true seasonal meals. If you are Open, you might add a new thing here and there. It is correct for you to eat the same meals for a long period of time.
3rd Color: Hot/Cold - The temperature of your food is important. If you are Hot, your digestive system runs cold and needs the heat to stimulate the process and be able to take in nutrients. If you are Cold, your digestive system runs hot and needs the cold to cool it down.
4th Color: Calm/Nervous - If you are Calm, the environment you eat in must have very little stimulation. If you are Nervous, your body likes it when you eat in a stimulating environment - very hustle and bustle! You might find you like to eat whilst bopping around doing other things. You might also find that you create stimulation when you don’t have it, such as shaking your leg at the table.
5th Color: High/Low - If you are High, sound waves help you digest. Note that it is not just any old loud sounds that support you - you must like the sounds. Bring headphones + a music source around with you. If you are Low, too much sound dysregulates your body’s digestion system. Eat somewhere quiet, or with low-volume sounds that you like. It might serve you to get into the habit of having noise-cancelling headphones or noise-reducing ear plugs on you at all times.
6th Color: Direct/Indirect - If you are Direct, eat while the sun is up! Eat in well-lit spaces! If you are Indirect, eat before the sun rises and after it sets…or, use modern tools to help create the environment that you need. Think: black out curtains, etc. You may sometimes wake up hungry in the middle of the night. It’s okay for you to eat if this is the case.
We receive the most conditioning from food. Humans eat in a very homogenized way at this time, and we've made it part of the social contracts. Sharing food; eating together. Eating according to your design will have profound effects on your health and your life.
What’s your Determination? Have you been experimenting with it at all? I’m curious to know what has come up for you. I am High Sound. :)
Please remember that this is all an experiment, and oftentimes, PHS stuff isn’t going to be resonant until you have a really good handle on your Strategy & Authority.